Alumni Association

All former students and friends of the College are cordially invited to join the Panola College Alumni Association. The goal of the Alumni Association is to maintain lifelong relationships with all members, to keep alumni in contact with the growth and academic development of the College, and to help the College identify those alumni who have made outstanding contributions to their profession, community, science, the arts, or other areas of human endeavor.

Update Your Alumni Profile

Update your alumni profile information and sign up to receive news from Panola College Alumni Association.


Join the Alumni Association

Panola College offers two membership options for alumni. 

Annual membership: $30

  • E-newsletters
  • Special notices/invitations to alumni and campus events

Lifetime membership: $200 ($300 a couple)

  • Panola College Pen and Notepad
  • Panola College T-shirt
  • Panola College Decal
  • E-newsletters
  • Special notices/invitations to alumni and campus events
  • Annual pass to attend Panola College sporting events

Half of all dues received are added to the Panola College Alumni Association Scholarship. The scholarship was established in 2000 by Panola College alumni and friends and is awarded annually to a deserving Panola College student. The balance is used to support the operations of the Association.


Alumni of the Year Nominations

The Panola College Alumni of the Year Award recognizes alumni who have enhanced the reputation of the College by distinguishing themselves in their careers and have made significant contributions to their community through professional service, public service, and civic activities.

Award Criteria

  • The nominee must be a Panola College Alumnus.
  • The nominee must have made significant contributions to their community, state, and/or nation through professional service, public service, and/or civic activities.
  • The nominee must be someone the faculty, staff, students, and alumni will take pride in and be inspired by his/her integrity, and have gained the respect of others surrounding him/her.
  • The nominee must be present at the award ceremony, which takes place at the commencement ceremony in May.
  • The nominee may not be a current employee of Panola College.
  • Current members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors and past recipients of any Alumni Award are not eligible for this award.

Selection Process

  • Nominations are reviewed annually during the spring semester and honorees are selected by a committee. The award is presented by the Alumni Association Chair or Vice President of Institutional Advancement.


Alumni Association Board


2024 Alumni Association Board

Heath Kruebbe - Chair

Ashley Brewster

Chastiti Horne

Erin Keeling

Charde Salone

Stacie Smith

Todd Smith


Panola College Yearbook Archives

Panola College's The Pony yearbook was first published in 1950 and was published annually through 1990. Due to the lack of student support and the rise of social media, The Pony was discontinued. The Pony did briefly return in 2017 with one final yearbook. Photos from Panola College events, performances, and games are now archived on the Panola College Flickr account.

We are currently missing copies of the yearbooks from 1951, 1981, 1983, and 1984. If you have a copy of one of these years, please contact us at


The Alumni Association will help you meet new people, give you networking opportunities, and allow you to stay connected to your classmates and what is happening at Panola College.
Sonya Brasher, Class of 1991
Contact Us:

Alumni Association

Panola College

1109 W. Panola 

Carthage, Texas 75633

Phone: 903-693-2029 
