Panola College awarded $255,633 Nursing Shortage Reduction Program grant

Panola College was awarded a $255,633 Nursing Shortage Reduction Program (NSRP) grant by the Texas High Education Coordinating Board aimed at addressing the nursing shortage in Texas by ensuring the availability of skilled nurses able to meet public health needs.
The Associate Degree Nursing program will utilize the funds to provide a second entry point for students applying to the LVN-RN 1-year transition track. This will allow for the admission of more students into the program and offer a face-to-face learning option.
“The addition of a spring start for the track will provide an additional opportunity for students to progress their nursing education and provide an increased number of Associate Degree Nursing graduates in the East Texas area,” said Annissa Jackson, chair of nursing programs at Panola College.
The grant was coauthored by Jackson and Natalie Oswalt, dean of career and technical programs. Eligibility for the grant is based on being in good standing with the Texas Board of Nursing and increases in enrollment, graduates, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board CBM reporting system.
Learn more about the Associate Degree Nursing program at